Thursday, September 18, 2008


Spoke to Jane last night and she was very discouraged with all that was happening!! It is bad enough to have the cancer but not to have electricity is the pits. Power just back on noon Thursday. She said she was able to use the laptop computer in the basement. Barry had gotten a second generator and therefore power could be used one room at a time. She spoke of being thankful for Barry setting up generator in his spare time. How can things RAIN anymore on me she said-I am so discouraged. She cried some and then settled down. She constantly said to me that HER BLOG IS HER LIFE-HER BABY and at this time I was watching it for her. I cried too. Also spoke of lack of hot water for shower, having to wash Tim's soccer clothes by hand. She did enjoy a hot burger on the grill and was excited to get some cookies from Janet a former neighbor where Tim mows the lawn. She will have muga scan next Friday and at this time is at local oncologist office with Barry to have a plan of care. The chest pain was a problem yesterday and she is hoping it will be less today. Thanks for all the entries!! There is excitement in her voice when she speaks of them. adios moe


Anonymous said...

I can hardly to hear of your plan! It is much easier to think clearly once you have a plan. I am thrilled you got your power back on. Thank god for Barry and Tim and all of your great friends who keep you going! Take care, love Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Hey Lady: Power is a good thing especially the power of positive thinking, which is what we all have for you. I wish you lived closer, so I could help you out Jane. I too am waiting eagerly to see what course or plan your drs have in store for you and most of all I hope some good pain meds are part of the plan. Hello to Moe and the guys. I will give you a call before the week is over.
Love Ya Lady,
Debs ;-} & Hugs From Everyone In CT

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane!
I don't know if you remember me, but I work in the admissions office at WC. I saw you at Dar's chapel...anyhow, wanted to touch base and say a "hello"!!! Did I mention how wonderful you looked when I saw you? You are gonna win this!!! You are! I am so proud of you and so thankful for your updates. I know you can beat this. It's ok to get angy and PISSY even if you want!!! Tell everyone you have tourrette's if you must! Might be fun, actually~! I am thinking and praying for you.
Jen Hough

Anonymous said...

glad you have power back..don't know how you did it..would have driving me should have come here for your showers!! i heard about the generator and someone thought you could get hot water from jean w. and she asked about you. she is coming for wc homecoming. you can call me tonight if you want to hear how the soccer game is going. hope you are enjoying your 'new found power'!!! love ya

Anonymous said...


I'm so glad your power is back on. That'll give you the "boost" you need! :-)

Love, JK