Monday, June 26, 2006


After work today I participated in my first (and hopefully not my last) spinning class. The teacher of this class happens also to be my oncologist. And what people have told me about him is true: his class is HIGH energy. I may not have been able to keep up with them, but at least my legs were moving the whole hour.

"How is taking a Spinning class different than just riding a stationary bike?
Spinning class makes riding a stationary more bike fun by adding variety and visualization into your workout. A motivating group setting, energizing music and inspiring instructors make Spinning class an incredible experience."

The lights are dimmed and the music is upbeat. I can't believe how much I sweated. It was a lot of fun. I actually told Dr. G that he should be paying me to take the class, instead of vice versa! Got home and took a couple of tylenol. My butt was a bit uncomfortable. But was told not to get discouraged by the first class. After vacation, I will return to another class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you....spinning, HUH! Best workout you will ever get without any impact on JOINTS!!!!! It is my FAVORITE high calorie/BURNING workout! Stay with it and your body will REALLY change!!!! Besides myself you have 2 other friends who are die hard spinners with no bikes right now....guess who? One's initials are BH?