Monday, June 19, 2006


Yesterday Tim had one I researched to be a migraine headache. We had gone to the track early in the a.m. and the temps were already in the low 80s. He jogged, I walked the usual laps. Early in p.m. he complained of having tunnel vision in one of his eyes (before that he was lightheaded). Shortly after that, he was in cabinet looking for tylenol. I knew he had headache because he's not a pill person. He had a similar headache last year so he knew to tell me the symptoms this time.
He ended up sleeping most of the afternoon, the headache just stayed there. After researching online, I did find information on migraines. Gave him cold cloth for his eyes and more ibuprofen. By 7 p.m. it was much better. Only hurt when he would cough or get up quickly.

Since I had a doctor's appt. this a.m., I mentioned this to the dr. I've made an appt. for Tim to see him next week. Today Tim is feeling all set.

Tomorrow a.m. Barry will be going for his 3rd chemo treatment in Pittsburgh. Will be a long day for us. And as usual, will post when I get home.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

Sending positive vibes to you, Barry, for this day. Keep posting,walking and doing such a good job caring for your guys,Jane.
Blessings to you all today.

Anonymous said...

...give Barry my best. Remember when we went down South in '82 on the scooters?

Wow! 24 years! Where has the time gone!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you today, Barry....please take care....gerry

Anonymous said...

How's Tim with his tunnel vision?
Has he had anymore episodes of it?