Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Barry's CT scans

Heard from Dr's office today. CT scans show no change/stable. So that is good news as far as cancer goes! Wanted us to know since we won't see them until Oct. 5th.

About 3 of my fingertips blistered to the point of being able to be peeled off. About an inch of snake skin on each came off. Still no traction to grab things, but I do think the numbness is fading away. No complaints today. A good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane - oh, what good news for Barry. Your family was overdue for uplifting news. I'm so glad.

Have you considered wearing latex medical gloves when you work? That might help alleviate some of the discomfort in your fingertips - especially in dealing with money. If you can't lay your hands on any (no pun intended), let me know and I'll send you some. We have gobs.

Love, JK