Thursday, February 26, 2009


I just had a chat with Barry and he said Jane had lots of pain today and was asleep at this time. A hospice member had come to the house this pm and brought some DECADRON for Jane to take-she was on top of the world when she took before!! Hopefully it will kick in and get rid of some of the pain too. Jane basically hangs out in the house. She also has coughing fits where she might cough up blood. Last night when I spoke to her she had a spell of the coughing. Well off for now and hopefully we will see her post later-it might take her a while as i think she has been getting lots of emails. I know I have sent her lots of my friends thoughts. Well please get to work Mr. Decadron and put Jane on top of the world as she should be!! good night moe p.s. jane's taste coming back and me and others had realized today that is was not a chemo day-weird after talking about chemo the last 4 years almost. I was sad but also relieved that she would not feel so bad as the treatment couple weeks ago.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the post. I pray that the Decadron helps her feel much better. Thank you to hospice for bringing that to her. I think we will be thanking them a lot in the days to come.
Lisa P

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad to think of you in pain, Jane. I too pray the next blog comment says the Decadron helped make you comfortable. Praise God for your hospice helpers.

Just think - in just a few days now Eileein will be there! :-) Your family is the best medicine.

"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ." Philippians 3:20

I love you! JK

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane...Sorry you had a bad day. I hope those pills get working fast for you. I love you very much and will see you Monday.

Anonymous said...

Praying that those steroids go to work quickly and get you comfortable! I'm off to my hour at the adoration chapel, Jane, and you will be my focus there!

Love, Ann L.

Anonymous said...

I hope I get to talk to you today even if for a second as I know the enjoyment of a second is very important!!! U know a morale booster is just doing something different so try and go outside for a few seconds today and enjoy "God's Country" as u call it! I hope u see a buggy go by and hear the clickity,click of the horses hoofs that u love so much!! it is weird how even sounds can make u feel better and a breath of fresh air!! May u be more comfortable today and as i always say adios moe

Anonymous said...

Jane, my prayer is you wake up today feeling less pain and much better.

Anonymous said...

Jane, my prayer is you wake up today feeling less pain and much better.

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

I hope the meds bring some relief..

Anonymous said...

Hey Wonderwoman: Sound like you got some wonder meds and I hope that you feel much better today and get some relief. Like Moe said, try to grab some fresh air. We are all praying for you in Connecticut!
Love You Tons,
Debs ;-}

Anonymous said...

Hope the Decadron helps soon. Glad to hear your sisters are coming too. :) Hope you have less pain in the days ahead. If you are up for visitors again, just call.

JoAnn S.