Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hospice makes a visit today.

Never in a hundred years would I think I would be writing about hospice for myself. I always admired those people, called them angels on earth.

Too much happened today, my mind is a blur. They will provide me ensure and boost plus, which is something I drink daily. I will have to use their own oxygen, no problem there. Can provide me with anything I will need, now and in the future.

A nurse will stop by 1-2 times a week to check up on me. Wendy and Lisa were today's visitors. Wendy was R.N. and Lisa Case Worker. Their main concern is pain management. If I could have the pain under controlled that would be great.

And yes,, my sisters will be coming. So looking forward to seeing them. I think it was a surprise but the cat is now out of the box.

Hospice is right on my case. Had already contacted oncologist for my records. I have canceled tomorrows appt. with her and told her next week I would reschedule, just to say good bye.


Anonymous said...

it was ok when u forgot the american idol was on as there is already a WINNER in my eyes!!! love u lots!! adios moe

Anonymous said...

Jane, you are everyday in my thoughts and prayers. Never doubt what a beautiful person you are from the inside out. Did you know the name Jane means gift from God? You have been a gift to so many people and have no idea in what ways you have touched so many hearts.

Unknown said...

Jane you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Like anonymous said you are a gift to all of us and have definately touched me
through your blogs. I lived in medford and my friend Nancy worked with you for the town. Keep on a blogging!!!

Linda in florida

wendy said...

dear jane,
I enjoyed our visit today. you are an amazing woman. I admire your strength and courage. thanks for sharing your blog address with me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,
Wendy and Lisa and all of the other hospice people are so lucky to have you on their caseload. They will be blessed by their contact with you just like we all have. They don't know it yet, but you will touch their lives like no one else ever has. We love you Jane. Keep smiling!
Lisa P

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane:

I see one of your new Hospice angels has already visited here on the blog. I'm not surprised!! They too are gifts from God!

You do not realize the impact you have had on so many people. These last few years you have provided inspiration, hope, and educated those who didn't understand cancer what it is all about. And above all, you have glorified GOD throughout. You are a true gift from Him and I praise Him for you every day.

When you have cancer you do not have any other choice but to fight and that will to live kicks in. You have tremendous will and your struggle has been a testimony to faith and GRACE.

I love you Jane. I look forward to seeing you soon!


Anonymous said...

Jane, you are in good hands now, I know. As others have said, you have enriched and taught us all by telling your story. In all my years as a hospice nurse, I don't remember anyone being so open and letting so many be a part of their journey. Of course, we didn't have blogs then, either. I wish we had, as it is a wonderful way to open communication about difficult issues and share the humor and the happy times as well. Know you continue in my thoughts and prayers each day. Bev

Anonymous said...

Jane -- thinking about you so much. Love, Terri

Anonymous said...

Hey Wonderwoman: Glad to hear the Hospice folks came to pay a visit. Eventhough you are Wonderwoman in all our eyes, some help is a good thing. Praying for some pain free days ahead. Hope you have a wonderful time with your sisters and I wish I could be in PA partying with you wild women!
Love Ya Tons!
Debs ;-}

Anonymous said...

My Dear Jane,
You are so brave. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please know you touched my life in many ways.


Anonymous said...

I love you Aunt Jane

Anonymous said...

I think about you each day...I think about the awesome amount of strength and courage you face each day with, but I also think about the great MOM you are ...each and every day- with little or no effort. You do it instinctively! It is natural-that makes me smile for you- the JOY you have raising a child into a fine young man!
YOU are a pretty terrific lady!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,
So you are on a new journey now to cure this sucky cancer.

When my husband died, the first thing our pastor did was tell us, through our tears, that Bill was healed. That gave me focus and it gave me such immediate peace to know he didn't hurt anymore - he has a new body that is perfect. We're all going to have the best party ever when we all get back together again - you're invited, ok? I know he would have loved to meet you.

I imagine you will continue to have the best blog Heaven ever saw. We'll all just catch up with it later. Not that any of us are giving up hope that this leg of your journey will end without a physical cure here - you are certainly in God's hands and He is the great Healer.

You and your family are in continuous prayers. Peace and love to all of you. God bless your angels!
