Sunday, February 01, 2009

A lazy Sunday

I slept right through the night and was thankful for that. Then I turned on the local radio station and went to church in my jammies. Tim even made me breakfast in bed! You can't beat that.

Then during the afternoon I had another great sleep. Must be sleeping 'cause I need to. But I don't ask any questions anymore.

Oh yes, did balance my checking account for first time. A lot different than letting it go a few months.


Anonymous said...

I think of you every day Jane - you and your precious family. May God bless you this day in a very special way.

anne bruening

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you have been sleeping better in recent days.

"My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." -Exodus 33:14

I love you!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you have been sleeping much better. Wish I would...LOL..Your hot tub would help me alot. I love you very much. Have a great day seeing it is so nice today and crappy again for tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and the fam. Was glad the hospital didn't swallow you up again. Take care of each other. Bec R

Anonymous said...

Hey Wonderwoman: Seems like your new name should be "Sleeping Beauty". I am also happy that you are getting some zzzzzzzzzzs. I spent Sunday at Renee's playing with the godchildren and watching the Superbowl. Len made some great Superbowl snacks and we ate them up. Here's hoping you will have a good week. Went to adoration chapel this morning and lite a blue candle for you.
Love Ya Tons,
Debs :-}