Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I am crying as I write this for Jane,Barry,and Tim. I just spoke to Barry in regards to today's happenings. I did know decisions were to be made by Jane in regards to deciding on further chemo treatment this week. In one email to me she had mentioned this last chemo hit had knocked some of her SPIRIT out-wow oh wow!! Inside my heart i sort of figured she would not do further treatment as she is so exhausted mentally and physically. Barry had said that after todays appointment with family physician the plan would be antibiotics to prevent pneumonia and to proceed with Hospice Care and no more chemo. The appointment will be tomorrow morning with Hospice and decisions will be made as a family. Jane was sleeping when I called but at end of conversation had come down stairs and I could hear her crying that she could not talk now but I did for a few seconds. Barry did tell her that Eileen is coming monday the 2nd and I am coming the 7th and I could hear her saying in background I am so glad they are coming. They will be seeing the Cancer md this week still. Very interesting in looking up the meaning of Hospice at this time-a shelter for travelers!! Let us all help her thru this next journey with the dignity and pride she has always shown. P.S. Dad knows the plan!! Love u lots and can't wait to see u soon!! adios moe People I have cared for with cancer never have really worried about themselves, they worry about those they will leave behind! I told Barry to expect some mail!


Anonymous said...

Jane....I can finally write to you that I can't wait to see you on Monday afternoon. I am so proud of you making your own plan. You are so brave with all that you are going thru. I honestly don't know how you do it. You have a wonderful husband, Barry, and the best son in the world, Tim. I am also very thankfull that they have been by your side this whole journey when I couldn't be there to share it with you. I have shed alot of tears but also alot of laughs of our days as kids. "Jane...go to your room" LOL You not talking good and saying "afue" for juice and we all knew what you meant. MaryLou always knew what you were saying , even if we didn't. LOL Just having you as my sister has been one of the best things in my life. I love you with my whole heart and will see those baby blues on Monday.
Love you, Barry and Tim

Anonymous said...

I wish I could think of something appropriate to say right now. I'll just pray for Jane, Tim, Barry, and your whole family for some peace.

Love, Ann L.

Anonymous said...

Choice...the journey begins anew. The quest into the unknown, the same unknown we sought, chose and embraced, as we motorcycled through America, year after year. Looking into our mirrors, seeing each other, giving comfort knowing we were there.

Hospice, a shelter for travelers… How unique is that? All those journey’s on the bikes. Thousands and thousands of miles in sun, rain, thunder, darkness, fatigue…awakening to a sunny morning and a hot cup of coffee. Prince Edward Island, the Outer Banks, the Adirondack’s, the Skyline Drive, the Green Mountains, Mount Washington, Castine, Maine. Moments and memories to last a lifetime and beyond.

Those moments and memories with you and Barry are the cornerstones of my life…and have meaning beyond description. Words to not exist, to explain or define, the contributions you have made to so many lives.


Anonymous said...

I am not surprised at your decision for hospice. Even though it is very hard for all of us to handle I know that you have made the right decision regarding you, and Barry and Tim. Every decision you have made along this journey has always put Barry and Tim first and this decision also reflects that. It may change that you are no longer receiving chemo treatments but we will all still be right there with you. As always we love you. I will be seeing you this weekend for taxes and some good conversation. I hope you spend the next couple of days looking forward to your visit from 'the girls'. You could sure use a good dose of your sisters right about now. talk about good timing. I will talk to you soon. LOVE YA

Anonymous said...

Everybody writes such beautiful things. Thank you Jane for being my true friend. When times were good, I laughed with you. When times were tough, I relied on you. You were always a phone call away and you always said I love you at the end of our conversations. How wonderful that made me feel. I hope I always made you feel special too. Thank you for always being there for me. I feel like I had a second family with the Knots. I love you Jane! You are truly my HERO! Love, Mary Lou

The Bill Rudge Ministries said...

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow or sun without rain. But God did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and a light for the way. And for all who believe in His kingdom above, He answers their faith with everlasting love. Jane, May you be strengthened by the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. 21 and 22- Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away.... and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning: or crying, or pain:......He who sits on the Throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new. Our prayers are with you and until you enter into the loving hands of Jesus Christ, we will not cease praying. Karen

Anonymous said...

Jane, we met at WC's relay your first year here. I knew then I liked you and now its clear as to why. You are a strong, loving, caring woman ...and I'm STILL praying my friend. Bec R

Anonymous said...

just as everyone else who looks forward to reading your words, Jane, you have affected my life in a very deep way. I have been so very blessed reading this blog. And isn't that just what you wanted? To share a story to give hope and courage and strength to those who would also have to face this battle one day.

So many words from you to share with all your brothers and sisters in ways that only Jane Kaminske has been able to do. What a blessing you are and continue to be.

I am always questioning what am I leaving behind for my family. A legacy is very important. You are leaving behind love, loads and loads and loads of love for your family and all of us here who have had the privilege to read your words. Thank you for having taken time to share the details of your precious life and the lives of your Barry and Tim.

I guess I suspected with your haircut title that this would be your choice. You know what's best for you. I know you will run a good race right up to the finish line. You have taught me much.

Thank you Jane - you are so precious.

anne bruening

Anonymous said...


:::::: tears streaming:::: I am relieved, for lack of a better word, at your decision. You are in control girl.

My thoughts are tripping over themselves, can't type the words I want to express right now. I will wait until I'm a little less emotional.

Until then... much love and comfort...Linda f

Anonymous said...

Jane....There are no words to describe the feelings and emotions that many of us are feeling. Your unrelenting strength and courage has carried you on this journey much further than many would have been willing to go. I think it is a wise decision that you, Barry and Tim have made. Put your life in God's hands and may we all pray for the very best outcome. God knows you deserve that.
May God bless you and keep you always by his side.


Anonymous said...

The Hospices in our area are bar none.

Jane - you will be in such incredible, loving hands. They will help you and your family find peace and comfort. I know, as I've seen them first hand.

You've always talked about meeting angels here on earth - you will be blessed with a whole slew of new ones.

Those who suffer from illness want and deserve to die with GRACE. We will all face our own mortality at one time or another. I am so thankful for Hospice organizations, and for the help and care they provide for those who struggle with illness.

"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25-26

I love you Jane!


Anonymous said...

Jane, I didn't sleep well after our visit yesterday. You know I am the one who never lets you cry much and tries to be the rock. Well, you must know that the tears always come after. I'm not sure even where they come from...memories of my mom come to mind...your courageous and unfailing love for life...the knowing that you won't be with us here on earth forever...the fear of what I will do when I can't check your blog 10 times a day!!!
I, along with many others, love you dearly. You have brought something to our lives that no one else could ever do. I have learned so much from you. I love you. God loves you. Psalm 31:7 says, "I am overcome with joy because of your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul."
Lisa P

Anonymous said...

Jane, As you travel this new journey I want you to know that I am with you all the way holding your hand, continuing to pray for you and your family. I am saddened, but also completely understand why you have made this decision. I will stand by you all the way. You are on my mind and in my heart constantly. I am proud to call you a friend and a "sister". Much love, Marie D

Anonymous said...

You are a survivor Jane! I pray for your needs and your family.
(worked with Jane at the bank)

Anonymous said...


Along with your family and other friends, we are all here for you. And we all love you Jane! I hope you know that. I will continue to pray for you and Barry and Tim.
