Monday, January 14, 2008

Back to work Wednesday

I see my primary doctor Wednesday a.m. and will get my return back to work note. Then I am heading right to my job. Can't wait to be back among the living. Will start off part time and go from there. I'm pretty excited after just calling my boss about it. As I've said in the past, work has and is the best therapy.

I slept OK last night. At one point I had slept 3 hrs. straight. That felt good.
Didn't get to bed until late and did manage to stay up once Tim went off to school. Even though my bed was calling me, I ignored its voice. I was trying to justify that I had gone to bed late and therefore I needed to sleep more. Wrong. That's when I realized that Tim just went to school and we both went to bed same time!
And do you know something, I actually feel the best today than I have felt in a long time.

Even organized and will file about 3 months worth of paperwork/bills this a.m. Lots
of junk to file away.

So if you ask me how I'm doing, I'll say "looking forward to going back to work.!"


Anonymous said...


I am so glad for you being able to get back to "life"! It will do you wonders to be in an environment that brings you so much comfort. I'm thankful that you are able to return to work! Getting back to "life" and your old routine is just what you need. Bet you'll be off the pain meds and sleeping normally in no time.

Thinking of you - good luck with your new onco tomorrow.

Love, JK

Anonymous said...

work has and is the best therapy

quoting YOU,
and as I said before,
seeing, greeting, talking with PEOPLE sure helps the mind

Anonymous said...

Jane: So glad to hear the cancer is no longer around. We will continue to keep you in our prayers. Enjoy being back at work!
Love Ya Lady,
Cousin Deb