Monday, January 07, 2008

Surgeries are history now

Barry and I left for the city as planned about 5 a.m. The surgeon met briefly with me before the surgery. Both Barry and I had been dozing (Barry because he had only a couple of hrs. of sleep due to working last night). I had assumed that tissue was going to be examined while I was under anesthesia but this was not the case. Have talked to the nurse in his office and she will call me as soon as the report is received. My surgery was scheduled for 9 a.m. but I think it was about 10 a.m. that I was wheeled into operating room. Unlike the surgery in November, I do remember everything leading up to the operating room. They gave me some sleepy stuff in my IV as I was being taken from my room, and by the time they were telling me to scoot myself over to the table I was out for the count. Good stuff. Next thing I knew I was back in the room with Barry.

Not sure how long it took, perhaps about 1/2 hr. I didn't have to go to recovery area, just directly back to my room. Used local anesthesia which makes for a faster wakening. Have to keep the incision covered for 48 hrs. Have heard that the area is held together by the little strips. Mind can't remember the exact name. Sterri perhaps. After I felt up to it, Barry and I went out to lunch in the city. Both of us were hungry by this time. Am thinking it was almost 1:30 p.m.

When we got home, Barry had to go right to work. No time to even catch a nap. I made a couple of phone calls and went to bed after Tim came home from school. The pain didn't seem much worse than what I've been feeling but....after waking up from nap it had set in. The big "owie" feeling had returned. Not surprised though. Another incision on an area still not healed from before. Couldn't wait for 7 p.m. to come so I could take pain meds. I did hear from my sister briefly right before she was heading to bed. Just know that she did good with surgery and was wiped out like me. Will learn more tomorrow.

A couple of my friends stopped by at about 6:30 p.m. to visit me. That was kind of nice. Stayed for about 90 minutes. And you must know what I did at 7 p.m.? Popped the pain meds quickly.

After they left I made myself comfortable in the recliner (these past couple of months this chair has been my best friend) and watched some TV. And within a couple of hours I was in a nice relaxed feeling.

Forgot one other thing that happened today while I was in surgery. A good friend of mine Patti stopped by our house and planted about 150 bulbs that had been just sitting in our entrance way. A job that I never had finished after being diagnosed in May. Talk about angels. There are so many out there. And one really nice thing about this, come spring it will be such a nice surprise to see the tulips and daffodils growing all over my yard. Places that are hidden away right now.

Thanks for all your continued thoughts and prayers, and random acts of kindness.
Surely is appreciated when you don't feel 100 percent. As I sat with Barry at lunch today, I reached over and touched him and said "in sickness and in health." That's all I needed to say.

And I'm looking forward especially to tomorrow with temps reaching high 60s. A true blessing.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to know you are home and somewhat comfortable. Thank goodness for pain meds.

Sorry to hear they didn't do the frozen section yesterday - I hope you learn results pronto.

Glad to hear Mo made it through her surgery too!

Praying for you both. Hoping Barry gets some sleep today.

Love, JK

ps - that sounds like Patti!

Anonymous said...

Wow Jane, We were just talking about getting those bulbs planted!!!
Glad everything went well.

Anonymous said...

Jane, Praying for you...gerry