Sunday, January 13, 2008

I'm dreaming of a good night's sleep

Don't know why, but I feel my days and nights are somewhat switched. Or maybe I'm more tired than not. For the past 10 days or so I've successfully been reducing the amount of pain meds I had been on. Within next couple of days it should be down to zero. Been doing ok with that. When needed I take alleve. I toss and turn when I go to bed at about midnight (lately), and last night I had attempted to reduce my anxiety med by 1/2 to see if I would sleep better. By 3 a.m. I was up and down, wide awake. So then I took the other 1/2 of pill and by a.m. I'm still in bed at 11. Each morning when I wake up my chest is so stiff from plate. Able to only sleep on my back or a bit on my right side shoulder. But that shoulder doesn't last long and I'm back to tossing around. I hate the feeling of being so tired in a.m. from not sleeping good at night. My body and meds are just a bit messed up I guess.

And here it is 2 p.m. and I'm already thinking of going to bed. Yes, I know I should be out there getting fresh air but my brain is telling me otherwise. Body's been through a lot, and perhaps it's because I'm reducing the pain meds and just a combination of the past few months activities. Don't know.


Anonymous said...

don't forget you have come long way!!!
love ya

Anonymous said...


Be sure to inform your new oncologist about this tomorrow.

Not only has this been a physical battle for you, but an emotional one as well and that aspect alone can account for disruption in your sleep pattern.

Love, JK