Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Doing pretty good

I spoke to Moe today and she was having some discomfort today. But that certainly is expected after what she had done: a drive thru hysterectomy.

Was able to take bandage off incision area and to take shower this a.m. Steri strips are covering the area. These strips will eventually come off after a few days. It appears that the surgeon used the same areas to cut the skin.

As for me, after Tim came home from school and took me to my job so I could say hi to my friends there. Felt good being there and seeing them. Then Tim drove me to the store for some stuff that had been on my to-buy list. It's nice having a chauffeur. By the time we were driving home, that aches in my chest had returned. I had felt good almost all day, which seemed to be a blessing since every day I am reducing the strength of the pain meds. Hard to explain how my chest feels, other than to say it's so stiff with a feeling that something is right inside it. Huh, there is something! A plastic plate that takes up most of my chest area. At times it just feels so heavy to me. As soon as we got home, I took extra strength tylenol. But now it's been 12 hrs. so I can take the narcotic pain meds. One thing different today was I had no p.m. nap, but I did sleep late in the a.m.

Keep up the healing, Moe. Co-workers at my job even asked how you were doing. Pretty nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jane, After seeing the plate in your chest on the xray, I would think that you would have the feeling of heaviness for a while until your body adjust to it. Congrats on the pain meds reduction!!
Hope Mo is feeling better each day.