Friday, January 04, 2008

Not the news I wanted to hear

Yesterday and today consisted of seeing 3 doctors in regards to my surgery on Nov. 1st. Yesterday was a followup appt. with my primary dr. to go over medications. I've been wanting to get weaned off of the oxy narcotic drug so he has prepared a plan to do so over the next couple of weeks. It had been my goal to go back to work this Monday in a part time position. He thought that was not wise to do so at this time, considering it would involve driving and taking the narcotic drug simultaneously. Plus with the reduced dosages of the pain meds we don't know how well that would be. I continue to have pain on a scale from 1-10, the pain would be a 5. Much better than weeks ago. I will be seeing him in 2 weeks as another followup.

This morning consisted of seeing the surgeon and plastic surgeon in Pittsburgh who did the surgery in Nov. Lisa drove me as there was no way I could or would drive that distance by myself. After having a chest x-ray (which was good/no issues) I went to the surgeon's appt. Once again, a long wait of about 2 hrs. Basically looked over the areas involved, told me to make sure to get medical oncologist, went over some aches and pains with him. Reminded me not to do any pushing/pulling. Definitely no vacuuming or shoveling of snow (which I admitted I had done a few minutes this week.) Bad things to do. Told me to stretch and rotate my arms. Even showed me the plate that was placed in my breast area. Takes over a good portion of my chest. Larger area than I had expected it to me.

From there we went to plastic surgeon. Got there within 5 minutes of appt. Not bad since you never know how long appts. are going to be. I got right into examining room where the dr. examined how the areas were healing. His eyes immediately went to my chest area where the "flap" was sewn into. There is a small area that has never healed like the other parts of that incision. At one time a scab came off, and then another scab grew back. Had caught Barry's and my eyes because it was dark like the previous cancer had looked like. Blackish. And to top it off, it's located basically in the exact area where the cancer was taken in Nov. If you look at my recent pix of the incision, you may be able to see the dark area at the top of what I call my "necklace" incision. Right to the point, the dr. is thinking that the cancer has returned. Just in how it's healing and it's appearance. He can't say why it didn't catch the other dr.s eyes yesterday or today, except perhaps for his age! Without any wasting of time, he is going to operate on me this coming Monday as an out patient at 9 a.m. He feels there is a lot of elasticity in the area of the skin in question, making it easy to remove a good size of the area. It was not the news I had wanted to hear but honestly I'm not surprised. After having cancer twice, I would never go out and even say I was cancer free. But I am glad that he is taking notice of the area and that we are going right after it especially if it proves to be cancer. No time to waste.

A long day but when you have a friend to talk to, it does go faster. Thanks Lisa for being there through both of these appts.


Anonymous said...


Once again your strength is being tested and once again you are showing us you are up for the challenge.

I am glad that this surgeon is not wasting time, but am dismayed that the two before him missed it. (Makes me wonder what the one who makes you wait forever to see him .... if he missed this then what the heck takes him so long with his patients?)

I will be praying for you - for peace, for healing and especially that this is benign.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." - Matthew 11:25-30

Love, JK

Anonymous said...

Jane......Good luck on Monday...Moe too. Love all of you
Eileen, Roger and Marlo too

Anonymous said...

Not a good way to start 2008 thats for sure.
SECOND OPINIONS, SECOND OPINIONS, SECOND OPINIONS. People have got to learn damn fast, that things must be researched, and followed up. It seems as tho these days, Doctors are rushing patients IN AND OUT, and NOT taking time to really SEE the patient thoroughly! ! ! What a friend you have in Liza, and SHE must have had quiet an education going into the Doctors offices with you. Yes, Moe has Hospital appt Monday, and Eileen is still house bound after many weeks.
We continue to PRAY for ALL.

Anonymous said...


I will be keeping you in prayer on Monday. Praying this is not cancer, but if it is a little left, I'm glad they are getting it out and quickly! You have to be exhausted after that marathon day of doctors. Thank you for being such a wonderful example of strength to all of us. Love, Ann

Anonymous said...

Taking Jane to the doctors was an education! The doctor showed us an xray of the plate and it takes up a huge portion of her upper chest! Unbelievable.
I have to give credit to the doctor who did a major part of Jane's surgery who did not notice the scabby area. Each one of here doctors is a specialist in their field and he did a great job at what he did. It was a blessing that Jane was able to have more than one doctor who can see things differently. And the plastic surgeon who noticed the scab is much older with much more experience. I think he has just seen more and is looking for different things. I told Jane that many times, people around here take for granted the hospitals we have in Pittsburgh and think that every city has such places. That just isn't true. We are really blessed in Western PA to have such world renowned hospitals in Pittsburgh and Cleveland. People come from everywhere because they can deal in such unusual cases.
The surgery on Monday can be done with just local anethesia. So hopefully Jane will be home and resting by dinner time.
Love ya Jane and will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well,keeping you and yours in my prayers. Think of you often. God Bless you and your family.


Anonymous said...

MAY THERE BE ENOUGH VERSID FOR ME AND U JANE ON MONDAY!! i will be heading out of surgery and u will be heading in!! u go KNOTTS girls huh!! sorry i can't be there this time love u lots as u know - moe the patient to be and not the nurse

Anonymous said...

I am glad you stopped by this morning. I am so bad with my email that it would have been days before I read the blog. We are all upset about this news, but I am so glad you are going to get it out tomorrow. I will be keeping you in my prayers in the morning. Tomorrow evening I will stop by and check on you.
love ya