Sunday, January 06, 2008

Surgery in morning

Tomorrow is surgery day for my sister Moe and for me. She's having hysterectomy and of course you guys know what I'm having done. Both are being done in a.m. as out patients. I have to be at hospital by 6:30 a.m. for the operation set for 9 a.m.
Unfortunately having such an early appt. is not giving Barry much time to sleep after he finally gets home from work tonight. Wish that were different for him.
I should be home by afternoon, just local anesthesia probably. And then it's back to work for Barry's next day shift.

Have heard that the tissue taken will most likely be sent to pathology while I'm still under to rule out cancer or whatever. If cancer they have to make sure that all sides of the tissue are clear of cancer cells which means a "clear margin." Have learned that from previous bouts of cancer. You get really experienced.

That's it for now. I'm feeling good about the procedure,probably because it's being done because I had a doctor that senses something wrong. Not sitting around and doing nothing. And of course, I know I have such a prayer network out there. A true blessing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to know that when you are reading this Jane you will be home safely resting with this behind you.

Please know that I am praying for you and for Mo this morning, that both of your surgeries will go quickly, smoothly and be successful. In your case BENIGN.

I will be praying for strength and rest for Barry as well.

Love, JK