Friday, November 11, 2005

A great Friday

After Tim got on the bus, I went back to bed for another hour. Boy did that feel great.

Barry went to his 11 a.m. chemo treatment. His mother went with him. I stayed home to do the lawn. I used my new bagging attachment for the ride on mower. It took me about 2 hours. 2 enjoyable hours outside. I really enjoy doing that kind of work. And to see the end result is wonderful. It was such a wonderful day, temperature wise and company wise. Barry's dad sat in the livingroom and was able to watch me.
Outside work to me is better than doing inside housework!

It was perfect timing. Barry came home just as I had started up the grill for burgers. His dad's first words to him were "how do you feel?." We've both been blessed since we've not had nausea with the treatments. Thank God. There are many who do experience such effect.

Since I was off today, I was able to spend the day with Barry's parents. It worked out perfectly. Tim walked home from school with our neighbor Tess today. She's our oncologist's daughter. A very nice girl. Tim went to the school play this evening for 2 reasons: extra credit for his honors english class and to see and be with his friends. And today was report card day. Dad, he continues to get the excellent grades. They don't have Honors Society at his grade level but I do believe he is on some kind of honors list. I am so proud of him as a person and as a son. A very well rounded boy. To be smart is one thing, but also to be a kind person is everything.

We went out to dinner at a BBQ type restaurant this evening. Another good meal. Thanks Mom and Dad! They will be leaving in the morning. Barry was able to spend every day with them which was their purpose in coming here. Family is so important.

PS. I see my blog blocking header is back! Shucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That darn header is back. LOL I just went on to check up on you earlier and it was gone...tonight ITS BACK. Play was good. Your neighbor did an awesome job in her part. Sean and Andrew took Tim under protective custody on the way home. :) I think they had a good time. Your in-laws look comfy and peaceful and at home ...sounds like a good stay.
talk soon,