Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Both of us saw doctors today. I met with surgeon and will go back in 2 weeks to see him again. The breast is too bruised from the recent biopsies, and needs to be healed before he does surgery. Told me that I will be having a mammogram the day of the surgery, radioligist will insert some kind of wire into area and then off to operating room for me. Won't be seeing my buddy Chris as this will be done at hospital.

Barry will be returning to work next week. The discomfort is still there but he never complains. Only tells me how it is when I ask him how he's feeling. Perhaps being back to the work environment will benefit him. Before you know it, it will be time for another round of chemo..

Tomorrow is my one year anniversary since being diagnosed with cancer. My how time flies..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane:

Today is a bittersweet anniversary for you. I'm sure it brings back memories that aren't all good. But know that you have come SUCH a long way this last year, and your journey has given you so much strength, determination and inspiration to everyone around you. You do not realize how much you inspire others - you and Barry both. You are both true examples of what it means to really be a SURVIVOR. You live each and every day to the fullest. God has plans for you I'm sure. We do find our strength in these situations we are in, and our purpose. May God bless you and Barry this day. Love, Jody