Friday, March 24, 2006

Minor complication

I was awaken early this morning but the feel of something wet on my pajama top. Went to the bathroom and saw that it was blood coming from the breast that had the biopsies about 3 weeks ago. Cleaned up and put bandaid on it. Then went back for my last hour of sleep.

I went to work and made a couple of phone calls to have it checked out. I knew I needed it to be looked at when I took a peek under the bandaid and it continued to bleed.

End result: Did see the radiologist who did the biopsies and she told me that it was a hematoma, collection of blood. I had noticed the bump there but had nothing to compare it to. She did drain the blood by pressing on it. Am glad I took care of that. She taped me back up. Said it could happen again but now I know what to expect.

Am so thankful for Dr. G (my oncologist) who I called. He contacted the radiologist as I did not know how to contact her. I was able to go directly to the hospital where she met me immediately. Upon leaving she gave me her direct telephone number.

Not sure how this will play out on Tuesday. This is my next appt. with surgeon. He originally wanted the area healed a bit before surgery. Oh least I'm in no rush.

PS. Yes, I will be doing my first Relay for Life walk next month. Am hoping that Barry will join me in the survivors' walk. It's a powerful and moving event.

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