Saturday, March 18, 2006


Do you know what the definition of a friend or friendship is? Let me quickly explain it to you.

A friend spends hours organizing and getting together other couples to go out to dinner with us. And it is these other friends who join us in going out to dinner. Hard to explain in words what has happened this past couple of days. Becky suggested we needed to go out to dinner, and she spent many phone calls (back and forth) with our other frinds organizing this evening. We are now headed out to dinner with what started as 2 families and has nicely grown to 4 families. Now this is friendship! Thanks to everyone and of course the Beckster....

9:30 p.m.
Home from a great gathering of friends. The service lacked speed, but the food and friendship was so nice. I think we were a group of 16. That speaks a lot of how many friends we have here. Once again, thank you.

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