Saturday, March 04, 2006

Time to heal

Barry has spent today mostly in bed. Am glad that he has started to eat today. Ate all meals with us, including my famous "chicken shit" dish. I was actually pleased to be able to talk to his oncologist this a.m. as I left the driveway. He was coming out of his street and stopped to chat with me. Assured me that the heavy sweating that Barry is doing, along with the many internal aches he is feeling are good signs. Signs that the chemo drug is killing the cancer cells, and then something happening with the good cells. And he said that to his knowledge, there is more success in this treatment when one has these side effects. Barry has not had any fever. Just wakes up in pool of sweat. But as we were told, it will be about a week of sickness. He continues to be a tough guy going through this.

Tim stayed put most of the day until the afternoon. He hooked up with a friend to play raquetball for a couple of hours. Am glad he got out of the house. At one time today, all 3 of us were napping! And now he's been invited to a sleepover at another friend's house. So all in all, he's had a pretty good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God Bless you Guys.
We gotta stay on the same track and keep moving forward!