Saturday, March 11, 2006

Email from a Survivor

This is an email I got today from a survivor I met at a Relay for Life walk last year. And we've communicated via email through the past months. This is what surviving is all about:

I've been reading your blog all along since we met last June.
I just wanted to let you know in Dec. '05 I was once again diagnosed with cancer. I went back to Pittsburg for my treatments. I have stage 4 cancer. I'm taking one day at a time. I still go to work everyday. I understand why Barry does it. We do what we have to.
I will be in a Relay for Life somewhere this year. Just depends when and were they are and how I'm feeling. Once again I say to everyone...Life is good!


I know she wouldn't mind me posting this. It's all about taking one day at a time, and being thankful for that day! Again, you need a good support system to help you with the bumpy ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Jane, Barry and survivors....God Bless all of you. You are all in my thoughts, my prayers. I admire all of you for your bravery. Yes, life is good.....hold on to every day and every moment...if you need anything, please call...gerry and family