Tuesday, December 09, 2008

T'is Tuesday

This a.m. I was up and dressed by 8:30. That's incredible for me. And then I changed a couple of beds and did some laundry. Don't worry, I knew when to stop.

By the afternoon, I am feeling in the area of the chest plate the feeling you get when you have been nursing and it's that time. Weird. But have had that feeling in the past. So I did take some medicine for the discomfort. Not sure what will happen when the steroids are all out of my body. Wondering if I could possible stay on them just so I am not feeling this feeling.

After Tim got home, I had been antsy being inside all day. So I asked him to drive me to dollar store. In and out of there in less than 10 mins.

Have not heard from surgeon. Will call office tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Jane, Your are incredible! Keep up the good spirits! When I was doing my devotions this morning I came across this quote and thought of you..."If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it"...
love ya,
Lisa P

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you were at the band concert tonight. Jane you are wonder woman!!!! I am so proud of you. Looking forward to hearing some good christmas music with you on sunday to get us into the christmas spirit!!! love ya