Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter to All

I went to bed last night at about 11:30 p.m. Looked at the clock later on and saw that it was 12:10 a.m. Yeah, Easter Sunday. Barry and Tim were watching cartoons, so I immediately went in and said Happy Easter. Where's the goodies? I quickly got Tim's Easter basket and filled it with the candies I had bought during the week at the drugstore. Heck, it was just one of those weeks that I spent some time at a drugstore! Barry had also picked some candy up for Tim when he filled my prescription after the surgery.

I didn't even have a piece of Tim's candy. Or a drink of soda, can you believe that. I could hear Barry going downstairs and then returning. He opened up the door and gave me a box of Daffin's chocolates. I was so surprised, couldn't figure out when he had the time to buy me those candies. Geez, chocolates/dinner and roses in such a short period of time. One can say that I am truly blessed! I opened up the box and had one chocolate.

Would love to say that I slept peacefully last night but I was up almost every hour. I remember looking at the clock at 3 a.m. and hearing Barry snore so gently. I was thinking to myself that being in such a sound sleep must feel so wonderful. If only that was I. I got up to go to the bathroom a couple of times, and never even opened up a bottle of soda. I think I had my new Blog on my mind. I had spent almost 3 hours last night creating my new online journal, and that was a lot of soul searching in doing so. But well worth it.

The alarm went off at 7 a.m. and we got dressed for Easter mass. All in our nice Sunday clothes.
And compared to last week's mass, I didn't even shed tears today. I truly do feel good about things. Shedding tears can be such a tiring thing to do, and I can't handle such wasteless energy.
Don't think I don't shed any tears, because tears also cleanse the soul.

By the way, today I have blossoms on both my Christmas cactus and of course my Easter lilly.
Another good day.

We're having spiral ham for lunch. Not sure with what else. But that is not important. Being with family is.

Lunch went very well, Eileen! Cooked ham a little extra for "good" luck. Had green beans and instant mashed potato. Been about 1 week since I had a previous home cooked meal.

Took a mini nap and snoozed for about 45 minutes. Sure do miss my old 2 hr. naps. But they will return some day. As I rested, Tim took his new spike track shoes to college track to test them out. He said that you have to get used to them, so going to track to practice was beneficial.

For dinner, made up some potato and ham soup. Just a dry mix kind of soup.

Just FYI (since I have to be honest), I was able to do a "movement" today. Yeah.

Took a nice shower this evening, and even cleaned the tub walls while in there.

All in all, a good day.

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