Thursday, March 31, 2005

Wow. Finally March is over!

Hard to remember all that happened this month. There were many good events and some new learning experiences for us. Barry, Tim and I were able to celebrate my 49th birthday in Phoenix/Flagstaff, Arizona along with our 25th wedding anniversary. It was so nice being able to see that part of God's country and to visit the St. Laurents and the Fowlers. And who wouldn't love being able to see the Grand Canyon. Pictures don't show the magnitude of the Grand Canyon. It is truly breathtaking. We were so fortunate to be able to go to Arizona and we know we will have to return for Part 2 since there is so much more to see.

And this month gave me the opportunity to come into contact with so many new friends and even old relatives. It's so great having such a support group when you are going through bad times. Support surely is needed at times like these. Thanks to all for just a smile, a hug or a prayer.

And then to come back to what would be a total of 3 surgeries after being diagnosed with metaplastic carcinoma/breast cancer. It definitely wasn't something that I had on my calendar to do this month! But that's in the past, and I'm looking to the future now. I've been diagnosed, did some necessary prep work and will eventually start the treatment once my body heals. Then my new doctor friend will be George Garrow/oncologist at Sharon Cancer Care unit. He's also a good neighbor of ours.

I wasn't able to sleep at all last night even with medication. But that's OK. I did nap this morning. I've been told there will be more nights like that one, adrenalin kicks in and there's so much on your mind.

A beautiful warm day with temps in 70s. Even have windows open to air out the house. Can see tulips popping through the ground, along with rhubarb. Lisa Pearson called to see how I was doing. She is going to bring over a crock pot dinner tomorrow. What a treat!

And Barry's been so good to me. Somewhere in the small print of the marriage agreement, it says in sickness and in health. And he's helping me with the sickness part now like a real pro. Helps me with my drain. Not much liquid so hope to have it removed quickly. Will be calling the doctor tomorrow per his instructions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear from you. I got your e-mails :)

I hope that all of your other surgeries go as good as the last few have!
