Saturday, March 26, 2005

On the way to healing

I woke up at 8:30 a.m. and immediately took a shower after taking bandage off. The incision is bigger than the first one. Can see the swollen area. During the shower, I was getting sick kind of feeling. Couldn't wait to dry my hair. Did feel good to shower, but bed would feel even better.

I got right back into bed after saying hi to Barry and the boys. I did offer to cook breakfast for them, but am thankful that Barry said no thanks.

For the first time in a long time, I dreamed after going back to bed. I dreamed that there were deer in my back yard. I told Tim out in the hot tub and they must have heard me. The deer scurried away. Boy, did it feel good to dream. For once, I felt that I was actually able to sleep.

I got up at about 11 a.m. Tim and Josh had rode their bikes downtown. Josh got picked up. I continued to be dopey feeling, and I don't like that feeling. Got myself dressed and filled the deer feeder with some food. Haven't seen the deer lately, but the food does disappear. I just love my deer.

Tim had 2 soccer games today. 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. I was in no way to go to both. Barry took him to the first game. I went to bed (again) and took the phone off the hook. Lately I do that just to not to have it ring. When they came home, Tim told me that he scored from defense. Something that he has always wanted to do. Barry then went to store for some groceries for Easter.

Barry came back from store with a lovely bouquet of ROSES. Something that is not done everyday, believe me. Must love me a bit. Not sure what is going on in his head, he's a male and doesn't talk much about it. It's a lot of go through, for all family members. Tim has been extra caring today, I notice a little more touching on his part towards me. An extra hug of comfort from him. He's a true blessing.

We all went to the 4 pm. game. Unfortunately they lost, but Tim played as good as he could play. After the game, we went to Tanner's. These past 2 weeks I have not cooked much of anything. But tomorrow is Easter and we will have spiraled ham. At Tanner's I had chicken francaise which I've dreamed about all day.

A complication of the meds/or side effects is constipation. I'm one who can go at times for a week, and right now I feel that lots has gone in to my tummy and little has come out. Have to be honest in posting, so that's honesty. Have been told by Barry to drink lots of water, and nurse Maureen said to buy some senacoc. Not sure of spelling. Will do that tomorrow after church.

By the time evening has come, I feel almost myself. No more dope effect. Will try to only take tylenol for now.

It was during conversation at dinner that I asked Barry of doing a journal online. It was both Tim and Barry that suggested a blog. An online journal that has become very popular. This will be my way of communicating with all my friends and family along this journey.

Please post any positive comments as you read of my recovery. I am not sure what is in the future, but I know that God only gives what you can take. And I do believe, that in each and every day you must find something good to look at. To keep tucked in the memory. Today, it was being with Barry and Tim and knowing that next month my family will be here to visit with me. Mom doesn't think she can travel, but I'm sure that in time she will come back to God's country once again.

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