Monday, June 18, 2007

Another A-1 day

For lunch we went "over the bridge" and ate at another one of our favorite seafood restaurants. And yes, more seafood. This time we all had fried clams. Haven't got tired of seafood yet!

After lunch, Barry and Tim rode their bikes along the Cape Cod Canal. It's a nice paved path, for bikers and walkers right long the Canal. I stayed behind with the truck and took some pictures. A lot of nice boats.

For dinner we had pizza. Geez, what a shock. No seafood. But we love this pizza. Only wish we had their recipe, we could make lots of money in Pennsylvania. For dessert, it's going to be Par-tee freeze sundaes.

And as I am typing this, a girl just rode by riding on her horse. As Barry said, a bit of our country in the neighborhood. I was too slow in grabbing my camera to take a picture.

Tomorrow's plans include perhaps another visit to the canal and to see Barry's parents one last time. And on Wednesday, we head to Boston with Barry's brother and sister-in-law. This will be Tim's first trip into Boston. Looking forward to it.

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