Thursday, June 14, 2007

Yeah. No chemo tomorrow...

Hard to believe that tomorrow is Friday and I DO NOT have chemo that day! My schedule is 3 Fridays in a row, and then off a Friday. Not going to know what to do with myself actually being at my job. Don't even have to have blood work done.

And I'm not sure, but I do think the tumor is shrinking. BJ saw it the other day and said that she thought it was. I had not looked at it in awhile, but I must agree. Won't have a scan done until about 3 cycles of chemo which equals about 3 months. Praying...

A friend of ours, Sue, delivered us a nice dinner tonight. Stuffed shells and cookies for the drive to Cape Cod. Thanks!

We leave for the Cape this weekend. We haven't been there since last June. A long time. I can't wait for real hugs from my family. My dad's been wanting to come visit us, but with my mom's alzheimers/dimentia it would be too much. So the next best thing is for us to go there. And an added benefit will be seafood. Mmmmm.

I've felt pretty good this week. Other than being a little tired by the afternoon, no complaints. And I don't think I scared anyone away with my bald head at my job. I went to a staff luncheon meeting today, and it was a lot of fun. Pizza and pop. While there a neighbor was talking of her daughter who had wisdom teeth out. The daughter was talking of wearing a veil to hide her mouth. I told her to tell her daughter about me. Forget about what you may look like, and just go out there. Bald or swollen mouth, just get out there. She laughed and agreed with me. You see, I'm not going to put a wig on just to "hide" what I'm going through. The way I look at it, I'm living through this cancer and holding my bald head up high.


Anonymous said...

Fri at 7 am and counting the hours. Just think, Barry said last nite he wants to leave around midnite, which if it happens, would put u half way here by now at this time tomorrow.
Will hold off tho and not catch the fresh FISH til tomorrow. Got to have them FRESH for you kids, for sure lol

Anonymous said... go with that head held high and get those healing hugs from family.
Remember everyone here will hold down the fort and send well wishes with you and we will all be here for
you when you return.
have fun!

mknotts said...

NO MORE BAD HAIR DAYS FOR YOU!!!!! going fishing ha ha