Thursday, June 21, 2007

Off to Amish country today-Updated at 10:30 p.m.

Well, have been so busy that I didn't have time to blog. Shame on me.

Yesterday, the 3 of us drove into Boston to meet up with Barry's brother Matt, his wife Wendy and son Tommy. We met at Quincy Market/Fanueil Hall. Lots of stores, and lots of food. We ate lunch at the indoor food market.

Afterwards we took the subway a couple of stops to the Museum of Science. We let the boys (cousins) take off and enjoy the museum themselves. They had a blast. Came back with story of seeing a movie on childbirth. That grossed them out a bit. Us adults took our time and viewed some exhibits. Mostly it was nice being with family and just chatting.

Since the duck boats were right outside the door, we took an 80 minute tour of Boston and the Charles River. They are from WWII, go on land and water. I took lots of pictures of skyscrapers. Will post eventually on the blog.

We then went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. And no, I didn't have seafood.
Left Boston at about 7:30 p.m. A full day and a day I will remember a long time.
Thanks to my father, we drove his car into the city. Didn't want to take a chance with not being able to fit it into a parking garage.

Logged onto my work email last night and learned that my co-worker at my job is moving back to her home state Wisconsin. I'm truly going to miss her. Have known her for just a short time but I felt such a good connection. I wish her well, as she will be moving back "home" to where her family is.

Today, we leave to go home. In about an hr. or so. A long trip ahead, hoping for safe and uneventful day. Take care.

Tomorrow, CHEMO for me. Have lots of zits on my head and will be looking forward to some meds for them. Very itchy and ugly.

10:30 p.m. After 12 hrs. on the road, we are home. While at a rest area for sub sandwiches, I noticed another bald woman wearing a baseball type cap. Couldn't resist talking to her. I told her I liked her "hair do" and she said that we must have same stylist: chemo for me, radiation for her. She has had 3 types of cancer, most recently she is dealing with brain cancer and being treated with radiation. She was with her husband and seemed to be only in her 30s. Spoke only for a short while, but we both wished each other strength in dealing with the cancers. All it takes is a Hi to meet somenone. Have chemo tomorrow a.m. And depending on how I am feeling, we may head off to Michigan for a few days to explore unseen territory on Saturday.



Anonymous said...

DAMN vacations have to end, with so much to do, and not done. At least I heard you KIDS admit that you had had enough FRESH CAPE COD sea food. Please, all take care and enjoy these short summer months. Kay and I miss you already, and youve only been gone an hour. LONG long day, SAFE drving.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Jane. Sounds like your vacation was wonderful - and just what you needed. Isn't driving in Boston just nuts? What a neat, historical city.

Look for my bandanas to arrive in the mail ... I got together with Ann this week. I wasn't sure when I'd be over your way again so thought it would be easier to pop them in the mail. Glad you had a great time! JK

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for the pictures. It looks just beautiful there. Tim said he loved Boston!!! Ben couldn't wait for him to come home...hence they are out and about.

love ya.
