Monday, June 25, 2007

They grow overnight...

For a day or so, my zits on my head were disappearing. But now, since I'm back to fresh chemo they have multiplied overnight and are sore. But if that's my biggest problem with chemo that's nothing! Just call me zit head. Plus my hair apprently wants to grow back. Will see what happens.

Have called my surgeon to have a port put in this week while I'm on vacation. They think it can be done this week without any problem. Had noticed that the area around my hand from previous chemo area is black and blued beneath the skin.

Another great day here, but himidity has returned. But do need some rain.

Stopped by my job today to say goodbye to a co-worker who is moving back to Wisconsin. Will miss her but know that she's going back to be with her family, and that's number 1. Not sure what next week will hold when I return to work since I've heard that July is an extremely busy month for closing of the year. But have told myself that I can just take one step at a time. Maintaining my health is top priority. And so far I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

Our neighbors have gotten together and have arranged meals for the next month for us. For our family and another neighbor who has been touched by cancer. Twice a week we've been told that meals will be brought to us. And tonight was the first night. And boy was it tasty. Have talked about this before, and I will once again say that this community is truly a great community. In the past I would never have thought of accepting food from people, but have realized that others want to help out in this way. And to accept this offering. And I am truly thankful to have such caring and generous friends.


Took a nice nap this afternoon. Was too hot to be outside today. Did our watering of lawn after 8 p.m. tonight, and even then it was 80 degrees outside.


mknotts said...

u lack FISH in your diet now!! the fish will kill the zits!!

Anonymous said...


Thelma was telling me tonight about the neighborhood cooking for you and the Brushes. What a great idea. Thelma was still wondering what to cook but I told her you would eat anything. She is a great cook so look forward to that. What perfect timing since work will be real busy for you.
