Friday, June 29, 2007

New port used today!

They were able to use my new port today at the Cancer Center. They drew blood from it and gave me my chemo from it. Was a bit tender but nothing to complain about. Needle went in with no pain at all. Thank God or perhaps thank JK for her suggestion! Am always appreciative when suggestions are given to me. Nurses at the center love ports, and I think I have to agree. Very easy to use. I was given Taxol only today as my chemo drug. I was there just a little over 2 hrs. which isn't bad. The only problem was after the needle was withdrawn and the nurse was attempting to stick down the steri strips from the surgery, there was a lot of blood. Soaked through a few gauze pads, but it was eventually under control. She just had me sit a few minutes extra to make sure it had stopped bleeding. The area involved was so new.

Came home and rested for a couple of hours as usual.

Tim's gone away with his buddy Ben to their camp. The boys will be dirt biking this weekend. Before he left he quickly did his weed wacking job. I can't believe how fast he worked with an ultimatum, do the job or you can't go! Guess it's called motivation. But it does look nice now.

Barry and I went out to dinner with a gift certificate friends got for us. It was nice and the food was very good. We have so many friends and are so thankful for them.

After coming home from dinner I mowed the lawn with the walk behind mower, not the sit down mower. And I was so proud of myself that I could do it with only 1 arm. I didn't use my left arm since that is the side the port is in. I figured using the push mower was easier since it didn't involve shifting. I didn't quite finish it because it got dark. Tomorrow I'll do that. While mowing, a neighbor stopped to say hi. They were walking another neighbor's dog. Funny how things work out. The day of my surgery someone had delivered some food for us and Tim did not know their name. But this man asked me how we liked the lasagna. Told him that solved the question! And of course, the food was great.

Well, that's it for today. Thinking of taking a shower but not sure if I should or not. Just because of the port area still gauzed up from this a.m. Oh well, decisions...decisions....

PS. As I mowed the lawn I thought again how lucky we've been with chemo. Sure, the cancer sucks. But geez, I hear so many stories of people who have been sick with these drugs and I have been so lucky "so far" with not getting nauseous.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy you are feeling good. Didn't want to call you yesterday, afraid I would be disturbing your rest. and here you and the big guy were out to dinner!!! Makes me feel good to know you did well yesterday. That means i should be seeing you for the fireworks party!!! enjoy our pleasant weather this weekend. we are off to gobs of graduation parties. just wrote out FOUR cards!!! rest today. we send our love.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing so well.
Do you now hire out for lawn work?!! ;)