Thursday, June 28, 2007

Port was inserted yesterday

Well, here I am back bloggin'. Didn't blog yesterday due to being at hospital most of the day.

It started at 11:30 a.m. when I had to check in. Procedure for inserting mediport was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. But there was a long delay. I didn't get to the operating room until 4:30 p.m.! To start with, the nurse had trouble getting an IV started in my arm. She had to call the IV tech person, who took more than an hour to get to my room. As Barry said, she must have been on lunch break. I was eventually told at 2:30 p.m. that it was going to be another hour before my turn for surgery. Any way you look at it, it was a long day. And liquid via IV was not making my hunger go away along with the eventual headache I had.

I entered the operating room at 4:31 p.m. and was given the "twilight" anesthesia, not totally out. Could hear conversations and sense the incision taking place. It took a little over an hour to insert the mediport. After returning to my room, I had a ham sandwich and cookies, along with ginger ale. I was discharged shortly after. I had no trouble coming out of the anesthesia. But I did and still do hurt from the work done.

Immediately took a vicadin when I got home.

I slept on and off during the night. Difficult sleeping with the incision, found it best to lay flat on my back with pillow under my arm area. The port was inserted on my left side just under my collarbone. Will be using it tomorrow for my next chemo treatment. I took the heavy bandage covering off this a.m.

My head continues to be zit infested. I continue to use the antibiotic cream on it. Also is a bit itchy from either the zits or the hair trying to grow. Who knows.

I got dressed at about noon after cat napping in the morning. Barry and I went to a couple of stores in the afternoon. By the time we got home, I was ready for jammies again. Had a very bad headache which continued even while I rested. Now it's gone thank God. The area is very sore which is to be expected per my friend JK who had same procedure years ago. Unable to lift my left arm above my head.

Got phone call today from Barry's Pittsburgh dr. to set up his CT scans for next Friday. Not a very convenient time or place. Usually he goes to Hillman Cancer Ctr. but since they didn't make the appt. timely, he has to go to another hospital for the tests. And this cycle of treatment requires him to also have a MUGA scan. It looks like he'll be in the city most of that day due to scheduling both appts. far between each other. His next chemo treatment will probably be July 13th which works out for me, that's my off Friday for my chemo. I had been so concerned how he would get to Pittsburgh if I was having my own chemo on the same day. Now problem is solved.

Am hoping I sleep better tonight. And am anxious to see how the port works tomorrow. Will be first time I've ever seen one in action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jane - one more thing I forgot ---

When they insert the needle into the port for chemo, have them count to three. Take a deep breath on three, and when they insert the needle you won't feel a thing!

Love you! JK