Saturday, June 16, 2007

We have arrived on Old Cape Cod

After a 12 hr. ride, we left at 12:30 a.m., we arrived at my parents house. Did stop for our first meal of the trip at my brother's restaurant at about 11 a.m. It was great seeing him, but as usual, which is good for him, he was very busy. Got to chat with him for awhile.

We took naps when we got here, I don't know how Barry did the drive himself. We did stop at a rest area so he could sleep for about an hr. I was told that I even snored! I got to drive in the backseat, where I rested the majority of the way. Tim was elected copilot. At times I got to see his head be a wobble head, back and forth as he tried to nod off.

Went out to dinner with my sister and her husband, mom and dad. Lobsters were the main course. Delicious treat. Followed by upside down banana splits.

Well, 10 p.m. and jammies are calling me. Will definitely sleep well tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane. Matt Kale finally emailed me the link to your blog. I am so glad to hear that you and your family are getting some time to rest. You, Barry and Tim are in my thoughts everyday and in my prayers every night. With love-Jennie

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you guys are safe and sound. Enjoy yourselves with food and family! Tell Maureen hello from me, and eat a few shrimp on my behalf!

Love, JK