Wednesday, September 07, 2005

1/2 way done with radiation!

Day 17 complete out of 35 treatments. Yeah.

My blood work from yesterday was good. But I'm starting to lose my "umph", aka pooping out. Started feeling this way yesterday. I mentioned it to the nurse when she gave me test results. All part of radiation and working full time.

After Tim's soccer game we ate at Dutch Isle and split a banana split! (we were almost done eating it and noticed there was no banana)!! Didn't even want to think about preparing anything. I had heard 4 weeks was a turning point and it does appear to be accurate. I'm yawning most of the day, but last night I couldn't sleep. Can't figure that out. But I've already took a sleeping pill to see if that works. As tired as I'm feeling I have to think of Barry's strength. Perhaps down the road part time might work out for me.


Anonymous said...

How do u have a banna split without out a banna
and if you dont have a banna
what do you call the mix??

Anonymous said...

What did the banana do when the monkey chased it?
The banana split

There ya go