Saturday, September 24, 2005

Barry's results are in..

Barry got a call yesterday from Dr. Garrow that he wanted to see both of us yesterday afternoon. Barry immediately called me. We went together at about 2:30 p.m. and were there for 2 hrs. Unknown to me, Barry actually has 2 tumors near the liver: one of them shrunk and the other grew in size. The largest tumor is 9 X 3 cm. and it was 6.3 X 3 cm. in April. The other tumor measures 3.5 X 3.6 cm. and it was 5.9 X 6.1 cm in April. Both tumors show dead cancer cells in the middle. The nodules near his lungs are about same size, small. Knowing this, our new plan of attack is to stop the flow of blood to the cancer by using the drug thalidomide which was used in the 50s but got banned later on due to birth defects. It is in pill form and is taken every day. It is now widely used as a cancer drug. We've been approved by the drug company to use it, but our insurance company has not authorized it. Next Monday, our doctor and social worker will work to appeal this decision with insurance company and also deal with the drug company for the supply. The monthly cost without insurance is $2,200.00. Dr. Garrow had done some research about Barry's rare lung cancer and has found a 52 year old man that did this treatment 4 years ago. He has actually talked to some people involved in that case. Barry has also decided to take a new chemo drug which will be given to him every Friday via IV, and that lasts only 1 hr. That'll be a breeze for him considering the other treatment was all day.
It was not the news we wanted to hear but are focused on the future right now. We continue to be strong and to walk forward. It does seem that God gives you what you can handle.

I did not post last night because I had a lot on my mind. In about 2 months Barry will be tested again. Tim knows what is happening and is handling like I expected him to. As I've said before, We Are Survivors, not complainers.

Tim was in a local homecoming parade this morning. Allowed me to see some friends. It was great to watch the parade with Jody and her parents. While I was waiting for Tim I finally met Linda, one of my new bloggers. One of her daughters always tells me she loves my Tim. So many good kids in this town. Truly a great place to live.

The three of us went to the Golden Corral restaurant for lunch. And boy was it good. Loved them smashed potatoes. It just opened this week. It was Barry's second time there this week. It's a place you can go for a good meal, not be rushed, and get in and out quickly. Geez, I should work there! Food was nice and fresh.

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