Saturday, September 17, 2005

I love the weekend

After picking up mums from the band fundraiser, we drove Sean home. We then took Tim to the barber for a much needed haircut. We had made a deal with him, he could have his school picture taken for the first time with long hair and then get it cut. And the timing is actually perfect. In two weeks he will be going to his first homecoming dance and he'll look great in those pictures. Boy, he's much more sociable that I was in school.

I was able to take a nice nap in the afternoon while Tim was at soccer practice.

We just got back from Red Lobster. Doesn't compare to the fresh seafood we have on Cape Cod, but you take what you can get. And now we're stuffed.

Tomorrow afternoon we'll be going to our neighborhood block party. Unfortunately Barry has to work and won't be able to come. Maybe next year.

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