Sunday, September 04, 2005

You meet the nicest people in grocery stores...

While shopping at WalMart a short while ago, I noticed a girl but of course I couldn't remember where I knew her from. I then remembered that she was one of my radiation technicians from the Cancer Center.

As I was leaving the store, she happened to be ahead of me and stopped. She came back to me and we spoke. I explained to her why I had not said hi before. Her name is Jennifer. She was with her husband. They live not far from the store. She asked how I was doing. I asked her if I could have someone take my picture as I lay down for one of my treatments. She is going to look into it for me. I told her that on my last chemo I had a girl friend take pictures of the treatment. So many people don't know what chemo and radiation is all about. And it helps to show them a picture to explain the process. And since she touched my heart, I gave Jennifer one of my blog calling cards that I created to share with others that touch me.

So once again, I've come into contact with someone special in a grocery store!

Barry's aches continued due to neulasta shot. But he did invite me to go to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. After ice cream it was my usual weekend naptime. Love my weekend naps now that I sleep better.

House is quiet without Tim. He'll be back tomorrow.

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