Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I make myself post cause I know so many people are concerned about me.

Did go to work today, there in body just not mind. Accomplished a lot of data entry, just wanted my chatty self. But last I knew, that was not a sin. People are concerned but it's hard to explain how you are feeling. Not nauseous thank goodness, but just no energy. Like someone wrung out all my energy.

At lunch Barry cooked bratwurst on the grill which was nice. That allowed me to lay on couch with blanket for about 20 mins. A chance to close my eyes.

As soon as I got home from work (a very long day) I changed into my jammies and got under the covers in my bed. I dozed until 6:30 pm. Tim had helped himself to a bratwurst so he was all set.

If I could get just a small amount of energy back I would be happy. I just have to remember that I'm doing the best I can do. Lay down whenever I can, and get to bed early at night.

A friend has offered to do a house cleaning party for me. In the past I would never have considered such an offer. But you know, I'm this close to saying "go for it." People wouldn't offer if they didn't want to do something. Heck on a healthy day, house cleaning wasn't on my top 10 list. There comes a time when you have to sit back and just say yes.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane.

Have you called Dr. G's office to explain your lack of energy? I wonder if your counts are low. I am sorry that you are so tired, and understand how sometimes it gets "old" explaining the situation to well-meaning people (when all you want is a little normalcy). We all love you and are concerned about you.

How wonderful that your friends want to give you a cleaning party! You should go for it. One less thing to worry about, and -- you are right -- people wouldn't offer unless they truly want to help. You have marvelous friends.

Sending love and prayers for strength -- JK

Anonymous said...

Jane - Love and prayers for strength - you've got them! You are right people wouldn't offer if they didn't want to help! Take the offers of rides, cleaning and food. It helps you out and it makes friends feel good when they can help you out! Its a win/win situation. Love, Mary Lou