Friday, May 25, 2007

My first chemo treatment is complete

Julie drove me to the cancer center, but only after I posed with her for a picture. Had to blog a picture, you know the routine. One of these days I will also take some pictures of the actual treatment. This round of treatments is with a chemo drug called Taxol. I am waiting for insurance approval to add the drug avistin which presently only has FDA approval for colorectal cancer, but doing wonders with breast cancer. If insurance denies this drug for my treatment, the social worker has papers all set to apply for the drug from another source, perhaps drugmaker. I signed application papers today.

Before the chemo drug is given via IV, pre meds are given to me. These include benadryl for possible allergice reactions, kytril (used to prevent nausea and vomiting as a result of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Kytril offers you the confidence to control these distressing side effects of cancer treatments) and a steroid called decadron. Oh yes, pepcid for my stomach too. Once these are given, the glass bottle containing Taxol is hung and connected to my IV. The drip dosage at first is very slow, just to make sure I am not having an allergic reaction. Fast beating heart/flused cheeks are watched. I think they adjusted the drip dispensing about 4 times before it began to drip at the fast speed. As soon as the benadryl was given in my vein, my eyes became so heavy. I had my eyes shut through most of the treatment, with the lights out in the room. Julie sat my the doorway doing paperwork, using the hall light for herself. She was very good company. I do see the need for a driver to the treatment each week due to this drowsiness.

As I walked up the driveway, I think I was walking like I was on drugs! oops, I guess I was!! A bit drunky. Said a quick hello to Barry and announced I was heading to bed. Think it was about 2:30 p.m. when I got home. I felt good and wanted to take advantage of the sleepy feeling. I quickly put jammies on after calling my dad with news of the chemo. Bed felt so good.

Barry and I went out to dinner tonight. Pain level is at an almost zero, but am taking time release morphine as prescribed. I know how fast it can come back. No nausea, no side effects. Knock on wood. I feel pretty good. Must be all the positive energy and prayers people are sending me.

I intend to do very little this weekend. Going to pamper myself and take a step back. Tim will be away at Ben's family camp this weekend. Barry did uncover the 5th wheel camper this a.m. (after he made Tim a gourmet breakfast and drove him to school). So it will be Barry and me this weekend.

Thanks to all.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane .... I was anxious to get online to see how your day was. :-)

I'm glad that you have this one "under your belt". I am pleased for you that you are feeling well after the chemo, and so encouraged for you that your pain level is being controlled. Whew!!

Hope you can rest easy this weekend, with a peaceful feeling. Sending you love and prayers, JK

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that things went well with your first chemo. I am also so happy that someone went with you. Will keep praying for you.
Ann P.

Anonymous said... glad your first chemo is finished.....have a peaceful weekend....praying for you....take care....gerry

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Julie for being there for you. What a blessing.
You are in our toughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

hi jane,
you just have friends everywhere...some you don't even know about! Praying you are tolerating all the effects well.
Please keep us posted. hugs to you ...hugs are the best medicine and they are free.