Wednesday, May 23, 2007

No sleep for me

Last night was a mostly sleepless night. Guess it made up for the nights/days I was sleeping so well. Headache remains, will take something for it. I do know that tonight will be better sleeping night. Off to work shortly. Wearing my new capris to work. Had never been allowed to wear them at old job. Along with sandals. Am hoping the a/c is on now at my job since it's going to be 80s.


Anonymous said...

I had no idea that you were sick again. My thought and prayers are with you and Barry and Tim. My heart dropped when I heard the news today...I'm in shock. You are one of the strongest people I've ever met.

Your friend, Leya

Anonymous said...

You are your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your head up and for a smile look back to our picture wearing the pink shirts. I will have to break mine back out of my closet. Stay strong, we are all behind you.


mknotts said...

u are all sooo strong and will continue to be pillars of strength for all of us!! get the pink hair coloring for the buzz ready!! also get the mood music that u play during your treatment sessions-i have started wearing the lobster earings u gave me from your first treatment way back when. love u all lots!!!! positive energy from your favorite second place on earth besides pennsylvania-CAPE COD-where u love the fried fish!! also stay away from the 'old bat cave!"