Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Update on today's trip to Pittsburgh

I left at about 9:30 a.m. and got home at about 4:30 p.m. Another long day. I met with the plastic surgeon who briefly explained what he will be doing during my surgery. He checked out my thighs and skin on the left side under my arm for possible areas to take the skin and use it to put me back together again. Owie..
Told me that the surgery would take 4- 6 hrs, and his part takes about 2 hrs. He actually makes the plastic prosthetic for my sternum area in the operating room. As he took my medical history and heard the cancer had returned in May, he said something to the effect it took me 5 months to come see him. I told him I had never searched for a second opinion, and had been told surgery was not possible. He's confident that I'll be put back together very nicely and that I'll be pleased.

After this appointment I went to Shadyside and had blood work done along with an EKG for pre-op procedures required. I'm losing count on how many doctors I've seen the past few weeks.

Have tentative date of surgery which is Nov. 1, next Thursday. And guess what, Barry's much awaited chemo treatment is following day! I had expected something like this to happen. It will all work out somehow. We have lots of friends that are more than willing to help us. This will be the first time I've not been with Barry during his treatment. But neither of us can afford to wait any longer.
After all these dr. appts. and running around I'm looking forward to "relaxing" in bed with some pain meds! Won't be fun but neither is living with cancer and chemo.

PS Tim's knee is doing great. Still wears the knee thing for support, but doctor says he is fine. Follow up appt. in 10 days. He's made of tough stuff like us.

TOMMORROW I head to Hillman Cancer Center for PET/CT Scans. Now these are tests I am anxious to hear the results of. Have never had PET scan but know about CT scan. Keeping faith that the damn cells have stayed put. And I know you are also praying for me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane:

I'm glad your plastic surgeon is so confident. That's gotta lift your spirits!

I have November 1 on my calendar. You'll be done with this surgery and recovery in time for Thanksgiving - and it'll be a special and extra special holiday this year with lots to be thankful for.

Please let me know if you guys need ANYTHING at all prior to your surgery, to help with Barry on Friday, or following. In the meantime I will do the best thing possible and PRAY. May God grant you peace before your surgery and complete healing afterwards.

So glad Tim's knee is on the mend . . .

Love, JK

Anonymous said...

Must be doctor day.......I was supposed to get my staples out today, but no such luck. I am going to have it opened again in the or as it is draining again. Not a happy camper now. LOL Joe doesn't know why, but thinks I might be rejecting the mesh or because I am not absorbing now, weight is only 96 lbs, it could be why. Who knows...will be glad when this is over. Hope you make out ok with your test. How is Tim doing? Love you all