Thursday, May 15, 2008

Letter to Dr. Dan, my neurosurgeon.

This is the email I have just sent to Dr. Dan, who did my brain surgery:

I have no memory of you, but you saved my life. I've been told this by my family. And I went online and found you, miracles do happen. And I'm one of them. This is what I've been told. I don't remember any of it.

On Monday, April 14th I was taken to UPMC Farrell. I was unable to talk. Tests showed brain tumors. I was sent via ambulance to Presbyterian Hospital. On that Wednesday your hands and knowledge, along with any other doctors worked an eventual miracle. The only memory I have at Presby. is the feeling of being helpless, frustrated. I must have known that I was in a 'holding room' and I spoke two magical words to my husband. They were Patient Advocate. I knew this from when my husband is being treated for his cancer. These words make things happen. God gave me the strength to speak those words.

This is the email my sister sent me. For you to recall who I am.

"Tell him u are the one that said "Holy Shit" when u first moved your thumb. LOL He will remember that cuz u kept repeating it It was only me and you with him that day. "

I was eventually discharged that Friday, again no memory. Hospice was mentioned and looked into. I am thankful for the pictures that my family took of me while in the hospital. Even in bad times. They show how far I've come. I proved to be too much for my family to care for. One problem was that the hospital bed, wheel chair did not get delivered until 11:30 p.m. My family had to carry me into the house using a piece of deck furniture. I was in someone else's body. My friend Patti, an anesthesist at Shadyside (at times Presby) comforted me that night. She's just one of my angels. I eventually spoke the word "rehab", a key word sending me back to UPMC Farrell after just one day home.

I always had feeling in my right arm and right leg, speech was slow to come. Words were in my head, unable to get out of my mouth. After one week in this hospital, I was given the green light to be transferred to rehab in Greenville. I stayed there for one week. From learning to lift my right leg for stepping, from forming conversations and slowly being able to use my right arm from home therapy, I am a living miracle.

Next week I head to Shadyside. I am scheduled for 3 40 minutes treatment using cyberknife. 3 separate days, M T and Th. I have to wear a mesh mask, so as not to move. It was fitted personally about 10 days ago. I can see through it, breathe through it. But unable to move. I had a brain MRI when I was there, to get ready for the treatment. Thank goodness I can take anxiety meds. I wish I could just get knocked out. I am not looking forward to it, but I do know that no one has died from having the treatment!

Here's my online journal address.

You can view pictures and my journal entries. This continues to be my therapy. My only complaint is my shoulder, arm. I guess no pain is no gain. Like I've said, I've come a long way baby.

Again, THANKS. I truly would love to meet you some day. But for now, this is my thanks.

May God bless you.


Anonymous said...


Remarkable! A very lengthy letter.


Anonymous said...

We are so lucky he was your neurosurgeon.......He did save your life so we could have you with us.....He isn't bad looking either LOL We were both lucky to have such great surgeons at the time we needed them most. Mine went back to Australia, but will always be in my heart and in my brain LOL Love you and am so proud of you. Eileen

Basketwebb said...


I left a post for you during your time of struggle several weeks ago. You are a true testimony to the power of prayer. I pray for you daily and am so pleased at your progress. I am originally from New Castle, PA and read the online version of the New Castle News, I saw your story and have since been following your progress via your blog. Your blog title says it all, You are a survivor. You will be in my prayers next week as you go for treatment in Pittsburgh. You are truly blessed with a wonderful circle of really caring friends and family. Sincerely, Sheila (

Anonymous said...

i am real glad i had asked u last night if u had ever seen the brain surgeon as a post op visit! u would have if the rehab did not take out your head stitches-u were to see him for that only!! what an eloquent letter of PRAISE!!U ARE THE BEST!! ADIOS MOE

Anonymous said...

Jane-I am sure you will touch your doctor's heart with your sincerety-I am sure letters like yours are part of the reason he does what he does so well (that & God's blessings). Dr. Maroon saved my cousin's life (he had an "inoperable brain tumor in 9th grade-he's now 52 years old). To my Aunt--God is #1 & Dr. Maroon is #2! You remain in my thoughts & prayers--I am a phone call me when you're up to ya, Michelle S.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much more you are typing the last couple of days. You are like a train that can't be stopped. I saw Jean today and we are looking for a day the week after next for our visit to her home. I told her you had your cyberknife and her and Tom are going away. So we will have to look at our 'social calendars' for the appropriate time and date!! Should be a fun time!!!
I think your dad has MONKEYBREAD on his mind!!! He just misses all of us I bet!! Hope you have a good day tomorrow. love ya