Friday, March 13, 2009

Another week is done

Yeah. My father's coming to visit along with my brother. They are traveling separately the end of the month due to my brother's work schedule. Plus my dad will be able to see Tim perform in Music Man which is an added treat. Can't wait.

Never left the house today.

Hospice is down to once a week for visits since pain is under somewhat control.

Eileen continues to be a great help with laundry, etc. Never complains, seems to always like to clean. Must be sick.!

Tim had no school today but he was at musical practice all day.

Every day I do some filing. Almost able to see desktop.

Pain level remains at 2-3.

Thanks for continued prayers and thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you now have your dad and brother's visits to look forward to. How wonderful that Grandpa will be there for his grandson's play performance.

I hope you'll be able to go to church tomorrow - or get outside a little bit. There is a hint of spring in the air!

Love, JK

Anonymous said...

Great news about Dad and Doug visiting! Bet you can hardly wait to see them. Love, Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a treat to have your dad and brother come!!! Your dad will be so proud of Tim seeing him in the Music Man. I can just see him now cheering him on!!
Thanks to Eileen for all of the help around the house. I know Jane really appreciates it. Also, glad to hear that the pain level is stable.
Lisa P

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you'll have more visitors, Jane! That will be fun! Thanks to your sisters for writing a note on my site. It was great to meet them. Glad that pain is in the "low range".

Love, Ann L.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane
It is always so good to hear from you on your blog. And when I read that you are comfortable, I am so thankful!!
Good news that more of your family is coming for a visit. Nothing like family is there?
JoAnn S.

Anonymous said...

I didnt' realize that your dad would be here for the musical. How great is that!! I mentioned to Amy w. about you wanting an ad and she said she would give one to tim. check with him if he didn't get it yet...I know you wanted to do that...can't believe eileen is here and I can't even come to see her. still hacking unfortunately...tomorrow tons of sun...get out and enjoy on your deck!! love ya