Monday, March 23, 2009

The bottom line is-------------------

It is what it is! I once heard these words within the past years and they have stuck in my brain since that day. Don't ask me why.

My fathers comes for his visit tomrorow. Am so looking forward to that. And then my brother comes the following Sunday, they return home together

Hospice jere tomorrow.

Typed by self. long process.


Anonymous said...

Is it? I wonder why it has to be. Nancy

Anonymous said...

If typing is too difficult, please don't force yourself to do it, Jane. Rest up for your father and brother! You need your strength so you can really enjoy being you, Susan

Anonymous said...

Jane - Great job with the typing. Say hi to Dad and Dougie! Love you, Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Jane Am in school now, but any time you need a transcriber to type, holler....or a quick phone song...I'm your girl! Anything else I can do...I'm 2 streets away bec R

Anonymous said...

and mom and i always say "whatever" and "what does it matter and she always laughs" love u lots as u know and the big boss dad will be with u very soon!!adios moe

Anonymous said...


You have a knack for echoing my sentiments to a tee. Rick and I have heard over and over, it could be worse, it could be better, it could be, BLAH BLAH BLAH....but you are SOOOO SOOO right...IT IS WHAT IT IS. BOTTOM LINE!!!!!!!

You have so graciously let so many in on your journey. This blog will continue to inspire people for many, many years to come. Your raw honesty, remarkable courage and delightful humor draws many daily visitors to your blog.

I encourage the bloggers who read but are afraid to post to do so... it is really quit simple. You don't have to register if you don't want...just leave a line or two and then click on anonymous. You can sign your name or not. Just that simple.

Lifting you today in prayer Jane, as I will continue to do so daily. Enjoy your Dad... he is going to burst when he sees Tim on stage!

Hugs and kisses.......linda f

Anonymous said...

"It is what it is" was our motto for the last nine months Jane. ;-)

Any "it" in life brings unexpected blessings.

When the "it" is cancer, it's the people that you meet or those you inadvertently inspire that are the blessings. There are good and bad things in all of life's ups and downs, and learning to cling to the silver linings is what makes it doable.

I cannot imagine never having known you Jane. I still distinctly remember meeting you at WC's Relay 4 years ago: your cheerful voice rings still in my ear. I praise God for bringing us together and for our friendship. His purpose and plan for you is crystal clear.

Enjoy those lobsters with your DAD tonight! Sorry I couldn't bring myself to picture them!

I love you! ~ JK

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time with your Dad, Jane. Praying for a comfortable visit with him.

Love, Ann L.

Anonymous said...

Jane -- thinking of you, Barry & Tim. You're always in my thoughts & prayers. Love, Terri