Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Last night all of us went to Tim's last band banquet. The banquet was nice. Took some pix of Tim and his friends, which you will soon see. I stuck to my guns and never mentioned pain in yesterday's blog. But at the banquet it was back in full steam. And of course I didn't taken anything for it before we left. My right arm area was so uncomfortable, had to feed myself with the left hand to make it easy. The ride home was the longest, and then I immediately popped a pain pill. Was in bed by 11 p.m.

Got up at 8 a.m. when the R.N. Amy from Hospice came for our appt. We went over what pills I had taken, trying to come up with the right recipe. Per my primary doctor I am doubling up on the main pain killer twice a day, and she wrote on a piece of paper a schedule to follow throughout the day with other pills. And in between pills as needed there are other meds I can take. Hard to imagine that this was just her 2nd week here. We are heading into the right direction. Within the hour of doubling up on the one med before she left, Eileen noticed that facial expression had calmed down. Not as tense. Remember this is Hospice's goal: maintain pain control for quality of life. This afternoon I did need to take a "break through" med 'cause I was in a bit of discomfort. For me, it's much easier to follow a note with the times to take pills is clearly written. PS Amy, thanks for reading my blog!

The company that deals with delivering oxygen for Hospice brought their tank to us shortly after Amy left. Very similar. It's just that since I'm under their care they want to have control of it. No problem with me.

Once again, I got mucho grando cards in the mail today. More than if it was a holiday. Am so happy. I had Eileen take pix as I was opening them. Tomorrow I will line up all my flowers to have picture taken of me and them.

Starting next week Amy will stop by once a week, but with a phone call she will be here at a drop of a dime. We're hoping that we get a right recipe for pain management. I did find out that she can request a pain patch via my primary doctor as an option. Plus we have my double port to use. They will also flush my port monthly. It's nice having someone to be your advocate through difficult times.

One more thing. Ronee C. stopped by with this huge card which the little kids at the Presby
Church made for me. Sort of a paper quilt. Very nice of them and the college kids to make for me. I continue to love this community.

Well, that's it for now.

PS The College where I worked sent me a beautiful plant along with a CD stating birthday greetings. I just listened to it. Here are some comments: Anyone wants to visit me, that would be great. Just call a day ahead as I don't know how I will feel the next day. Love company.
And yes, went to store today and bought a chocolate cake and chocolate frosting. Already had ice cream and toppings delivered yesterday. One more thing: Rick, you have such a great voice.
That's why I like sitting next to you in church. You make me sound so much better than I am!
Perhaps Sunday both my sisters will be able to come to church to see first hand what I am seeing. That would be heaven.


Anonymous said...

i course sunday i will be honored and proud to go to church with u and i will even try to sing!!! i can see the pain recipe is getting sweeter and sweeter until the perfect ingredients happen!! love u all lots adios moe

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you were able to go to the band banquet last night. Sounds like you had a special birthday. I am so glad Eileen got in safely. I am looking forward to seeing you guys at the choir concert tomorrow if you are up to it. I will try to call you from school tomorrow to see if you would like me to hold you guys seats. Since I have Boo I have to be there to take him early so I can get you seats if you need. plus I would enjoy sitting with you guys. Hope you are having a good time visiting and catching up. Hoping to see you tomorrow eveining. Love ya
ps. left a message for tom and jean today to give them an update on you.

Anonymous said...

Jane, I know you really want to go see Tim play that flute tomorrow so make sure you take those pain meds!!! Check out your schedule today and see if you are taking them close to the time of the concert. It starts at 7:30.
It was so good to see you smiling and cheering on your most precious son, Tim at the banquet.
Lisa P