Thursday, July 21, 2005

Barry's test results

Barry was scheduled for chemo tomorrow. His usual treatment day of the week was Thursday. But with the scans done this week it was pushed back one day. Early this morning he got call from Cancer Center for him to go in today for chemo. The test results showed no change in size of the tumor. The doctor told him that this is OK, that there can be a delay in the tumor being reduced. And that since it is not any larger, that's good. He will be going for an additional 3 chemo cycles and then have the scans repeated. We had hoped for a reduction in the size but have to stay focused on the future and on the doctor's words.

He was at treatment all day as usual. Got home after 5 p.m. He's a tough guy to go through such a long treatment. And the weekend is no party either.

I brought him lunch and was able to eat with him. I had planned to go with him tomorrow but.... things changed.

This evening we did what we like to do a lot. Went to Dutch Isle for some ice cream. A nice treat after a tiring day. Tim had his first soccer conditioning meet this evening. Getting ready for the pros..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Jane & Barry;

I am sorry to hear that the scan result was not what you'd hoped for.

Please do not be discouraged because the tumor has not changed in size -- it IS a good thing because it is not larger. Dr. Garrow seems very up-front about things, so take him for his word -- more treatments will probably reduce it. I am sure it is discouraging, thinking that he has to endure more treatments, particularly with Jane being just finished with hers.

I am thinking of you guys. Please let me know if I can do anything for you. Please know I am praying for you.

"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all." - Emily Dickinson