Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A calmer day

A calmer day at work today. Went in hour late since I woke up with headache. After buying more excedrin! And I actually took a lunch... Am no longer going to sacrifice lunch. I'm #1, not the company. Just will need to remind myself next time.. I was also treated to blueberry cheesecake by the dept. today since I had my last chemo. A nice touch.

Went out to dinner after work. That was nice. Barry had his scans today. Was home by the time I was leaving for work. Results will be known this Friday when he sees Dr. Garrow. I can't celebrate me not having chemo until he is better. I have heard good stories of tumors being reduced by chemo, so I keep those dear to my heart.


Anonymous said...

JANE.. you are number one right now and don't let them tell you anything different. glad you had a better day. tell barry we were thinking of him today and hope everything comes out good. talked to some guys training at the base they are from PA they will be with us for a couple of days...

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!!

Don't let them wear you down.

You guys are turning the corner on all of this. Stay positive!
