Friday, July 08, 2005

Friday on Cape Cod/See Doug and family today

I had so many dreams last night. So much "input" yesterday into my brain. It was such a great show last night that it was on my brain as I lay in bed.

Looking forward to seeing my brother and his family today.

Barry and Tim leave to come here sometime late this evening into the early morning of Saturday. Not sure yet. Am hoping they avoid any rain/bad weather from a storm in the area. They have a long trip ahead of them, not like the 1 hour or so plane ride I had.

Shortly after we returned from grocery shopping, Doug and his family arrived in their 38' motor home. They had been vacationing on the Cape this week. I had not seen my sister-in-law and niece for over a year. Last year I had seen Doug when I was on the Cape. Been too long. Doug, since he's a chef and owner of a restaurant, cooked us up a feast on Dad's new grill. Sirloin tips, burger, ribs and chicken. Even on his days offs he enjoys cooking. Have never had a bad meal.

And then Roger arrived later in the afternoon. He's my brother-in-law, married to Eileen. Never a dull moment with him in the house. A lot of fun to be with.

While everyone napped during the afternoon, Mom and I snuck off for some ice cream. I think I was only one who didn't nap today. Didn't want to waste any time sleeping.

The last of the family arrived a short while ago, Gene. He's married to my other sister Maureen. I can't even remember the last time I saw him. So right now we have a full house (almost). Barry and Tim will be leaving any moment from Pennsylvania to come here. About a 12 hr. trip for them. I will be relaxed once they are here. It's a long trip for one person to be driving the whole way.

Signing off for the day. Tomorrow a.m., bright and early, Maureen, mom and I are taking ferry to Nantucket to see Mary Lou. Won't be online much tomorrow. Too much excitement. And then we will be seeing Barry at the campground.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jane, I'm so glad you're having such a wonderful time. You certainly deserve it after the past several months. Take care, Gerry

Anonymous said...

Ok Barry, How was the gas mileage on that deisel pulling that 38 ft. trailor for 12hrs at $2.50 a gallon?..............
"A dingy asking from back home".