Saturday, July 02, 2005

I think you look awesome!

Woke up during the night with another bad headache. Took some excedrin and went back to bed. My arm was so sore yesterday, even with sling. The day before was easier because all I did was sit in chair with Barry. This weekend I'm really going to pamper it.

Barry did finally sleep last night. For about 6 hrs. And then just layed in bed.

Today it's such a beautiful day. Humidity is much lower along with temps. Have been loading a few things into trailer for next week's vacation. Next week we will all be on Cape Cod.

Tim finally went golfing for his first time today. He went with the Hoppes and had such a great time. Had been wanting to golf for quite awhile since taking lessons couple of years ago. Now he's hooked and hopefully this will turn into a more routine event. Came back with such a great smile on his face.

I also had a pretty good day. The best part of the day was while shopping at local grocery store. For some reason, that's where I seem to get the nicest comments. A woman perhaps in her 30s came up to me today and simply said "I think you look awesome!". I can't remember exactly what I said, something like it wasn't my chosing and that you have to be comfortable in your own skin. And there was an understanding without any more words. Heck, even when I had hair no one ever had said those words to me. What can I say, nice people out in this world when you need them.

I took a nap while Tim golfed since my arm has been quite sore. It did help some. Will take awhile for the discomfort to subside. And praying that I don't have same problem on the other arm.

Tim's outside lighting off some firecrackers now. We went out last night at about 11 p.m. to buy some for the 4th. Barry's been non stop most of the day. He doesn't give in the aches like I do. He's much stronger than I.

Looking forward to church tomorrow as I'm going to look for Michele who I spoke to last night. And maybe we'll sit with she and her family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You three enjoy your trip/vacation. We will be thinking of you all. We will be thinking of all you.
We are here if you need anything while you are gone. God bless and enjoy the beauty of the Cape.