Saturday, July 09, 2005

Nantucket Island and Mary Lou

Maureen, Mom and I got the 6:30 a.m. high speed ferry to Nantucket Island. In one hour, we were on the island. Mary Lou, a girl friend of mine for over 40 years met us at the boat and took us for a tour of the WHOLE island. You couldn't have asked for a better tour guide. We saw every memory that we had, even took pictures of our old house that we sold in 1965 when my brother Doug was born. We talked to a man on the porch who said that his parents bought the house in 1965. Probably the people my parents sold house to.

So much to write about, more to follow.

Barry and Tim arrived on the Cape at about 9 a.m. 12 hr. ride for them.

The next couple of days I won't be posting. Will be spending time with the family and that's what I came to do. I only have Sunday and Monday left...

Great seeing everyone.


Anonymous said...

It was great to see you three! No one has changed! Love, Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

As you know, my first wife Jane and I honeymooned on Nantucket, and went back every anniversary. The island holds special memories for me too!

Give Barry my best and tell him the front left fork seal finally let go on the bike. I was thinking of him as oil splattered on me while riding. LOL

Love you guys.