Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Internet continues to be down

Adelphia is so bad.

Am so disappointed since I haven't been able to post.

Last night Tim had band camp meeting. His teacher made comment to him: I didn't know your mother shaved her head. He replied: no she had cancer! He's a good kid.
Imagine if both Barry and I had gone to meeting. It was on our way home that Tim said this to me. He had thought of a funny reply to the teacher: you know mothers, they like to do strange things like shave their heads!

So next week Tim will be gone all week for Band camp. House will certainly be quiet.

I continue to have annoying cough since I saw the dr. last Friday. Still taking cough pills, hasn't been a week yet. And night sweats also continue. But I must say that I'm not waking up as often. Could be due to the narcotic cough pills. Who knows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Adelphia might be down because they are merging with Time-Warner. I had my turn with it being down.(5 days) I called them more then they wanted to hear from me in those 5 days.At the end they said, here... we'll give you a $20 credit toward your bill because it was Adelphia's fault.CRIPE, I wanted the whole MONTHS credit.........he he he he
"The Dingy"