Thursday, August 11, 2005

Barry's chemo day

Barry had a 9:20 a.m. appt. with Dr. Garrow in preparation for his 5th round of chemo. Today was actually the shortest time at the center for him. 6 1/2 hrs. total time. He is such a strong person. Immediately after he gets unhooked from his IV he goes to work. I can speak for someone who has been there, and I did not do as he does. He's one of a kind in my eyes. Talk about a good work ethic!

At this time I would like to thank our angels this week: Mary B and Kelly H. I've said this before and I will say it again, without these angels I do believe that both of us would not have stayed as healthy as we did. We truly have appreciated your acts of kindness. It will not be forgotten.

I got a call this afternoon from Cancer Center about myself. I've been scheduled for X-Rays in final preparation for my radiation treatment. The appointment is tomorrow morning. I've heard that X-Rays are taken to determine the depth that they can radiate without touching my lungs. So I may start treatment next week.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Barry.....Gerry and Fred

Anonymous said...

Give Barry our thoughts and prayers. What a nice guy you have there! I enjoyed conversing with him at LeJeunes. I can see where Tim gets his witty and charming personality from the both of you.
I wanted to talk with you more, but those "swing girls" never left the porch swing!!! LOL.
Thinking of you both today!

Anonymous said...

I hope everything went well today! You must have the cleaniest house in PA! I am always thinking of all of you. Take care, Love Mary Lou